Broadview: New survey looks at what Canadian Christians actually believe

I mean, over half of “mainline Protestants and Catholics” agreed that all religions are equally true. That’s encouraging, and slightly hilarious. And this is among people who still self-describe as Christians. Similar numbers for “Christian moral teachings should evolve with changes in society’s attitudes.” Leaders are not happy.

Evangelicals are much more likely to drag their heels on these questions, but cracks are appearing in their numbers as well.

The United Church will be lumped in with “mainline Protestant”, of course, so are almost certainly dragging “mainline Protestant” down (or up) with them. It would be interesting to see how those numbers would break out, but I don’t think the United Church is interested in knowing, and less interested in publicizing the data. It would lead to further ostracization between denominations and cause greater embarrassment and possible defections among your more pious members, who are embarrassed enough as it is.