Home Alone

Zach is home this summer. He is 8. Claire’s job is helping the family and her grandparents with preparing their house for sale so they can move to their cottage full time, and watching Zach when she can. Her days are full.

Last weekend, on our way to visit and help my parents, we stopped at the Haida, a WW2 destroyer and now floating museum berthed at Hamilton Harbour. Zach loves warships. More on that in a second.

To pass time while Claire is washing windows, Zach is watching Home Alone, the movie.

There is a scene in a church, seems about 60% of the way through the movie. I’m not watching, I’m pricing a job and talking to clients. I’m only aware that Zach has stopped the movie and is asking Claire a question about what is church?

Claire explains that’s where people worship God.

“Warship?!? Like the Haida?!?”

“No, WORSHIP, with an ‘o’.”

It goes on for some time. Claire is doing a bang up job. I don’t intervene.

They go on to other gods, like the Greek gods, of which Zach is aware. He just didn’t know you were supposed to “warship” them. Claire explains we don’t anymore for those gods, but some people still warship other gods.

I’m low-key losing it the next room over. My wife, who is working from home, has her head in her hands and is asking me to help, but again, Claire is killing it.

So now Zach is aware there are churches. Where they warship God, like the Greek gods, but just one, and people go there on Sundays. She never made it to the Trinity. He’s a little suspicious of it all.

I’m with ya, Zach.

Oh, and I forgot a great bit I overheard when told that church is where people gather to warship God:

“God?!? Like Godzilla?!?”

Zach is hilarious.

I think Claire is going an amazing job, but the lit teacher in me asks:

How do you deal with much literature without understanding concepts like: judas, the betrayer, pharisaical/hypocritical behaviour, the whole “hero’s journey” that is a component of every sacred text?

I think you can extract the messages and themes without reading the entire thing.

I think what’s interesting is that Zach and Claire are not alone. The bible is foreign to Zach and Claire just finds the stories disinteresting compared to the Greek gods in particular, as they fucked everything with legs. Jesus is boring.

So as more people grow up without knowing the bible stories, the less people will be expected to know the bible stories. And certainly the stories will be viewed more like the stories of the Greek, Roman and Norse gods, just with slightly less deviant sex going on.