Pew: Voters’ views of Trump and Biden differ sharply by religion

This is something that continues to fascinate me. Back at the United Church Facebook group years ago, I was told that mainline Christians were not to blame for electing Donald Trump in 2016, and that it was the fault of the evangelical Christians. In response, I provided exit poll data that showed they favoured Trump by about a 60:40 split, so yes, they shared in the blame.

One more time when a UCCan Facebook admin threatened to ban me over showing them that they were wrong and bringing evidence to prove it.

New polling data hasn’t moved very much in that time.

Note two lines above: First, “White nonevangelical” (which I’m assuming is now seen as a more P.C. term than “mainline Protestant”) still favours Trump, this time by a 57:41 split. Statistically about the same as 4 and 8 years ago.

But if you scroll down, the next line is “Atheists” prefer Biden by a 87:11 split. The widest split in the poll. Wider than black Protestants for Biden, and even wider than white evangelicals for Trump.

What I’m reminded of at this point, is those Christians who have a moral disgust for Trump and what he stands for, who will also rail against atheists, especially in the church. Don’t they wish their fellow Christians came down as heavily on this side of a moral question?